After several years combining action and academic research our museum partners can share practical and in-depth learning. These resources include case studies in individual museums and on common themes, tools to ‘measure what matters’ and reports and links to the work of Happy Museums and others.
- to plan and review organisational change
- to gather a before and after view of personal change (baseline and review)
- that can be used to review either organisational or personal change when evaluation was not necessarily planned
The resources and materials in this section align with the Happy Museum principles:
- How to create wellbeing and learn for resilience in museums
- How to be a lean green museum
- How to measure (and do) what matters in museums
- Why build mutual relationships and who benefits?
- Why active citizens matter for museums
You can access the case studies directly and Happy Museum tools directly or find the resources via our
Story of Change framework:
Using a Story of Change to plan and review Happy Museums is at the heart of measuring what matters. It’s a logical approach which reverse-plans from the difference we are hoping to make to what we do and how we do it; the Why? What? and How? of a Happy Museum.
This Story of Change is the combined learning from all the Happy Museum’s we’ve worked with and our research partners at Simetrica and Oxford Internet Institute. Each row is introduced by a Happy Museum Principle, and the columns are the How? What? And Why? Of implementation.
HM_Story_of_Change_4website* The Happy Museum Project is conducting a national LIFE survey, where LIFE = Learning, Interactions with others, Feelings and emotions, and Environmental awareness.
Additional Resources
We have gathered downloadable lists of Research, Toolkits, Books and Publications, Films, Training and Learning Opportunities and the Organisations and Networks who support them.
We would always be grateful for additions to these lists to keep them up to date.