How to get involved with the Happy Museum

Fill in the missing ‘U’…

Find out more about the museums that we have worked with and the many and varied projects that have tested out our Principles in action.

Use our practical resources, tools and case studies to help you develop activity in your museum.

Join us at our regular events and workshops.  Sign up for our monthly newsletter using the box to the right or follow us on twitter for regular updates.

In Autumn 2016 we hope to launch a new Affiliate Scheme – a peer learning network for those interested in pursuing and sharing related museum activity – if you would like to hear more about this development email us at with Affiliate in the heading.

Happy Musem Banner

Happy Museum Banner

This banner was sewn by the project team  in 2012 at the launch of Action for Happiness.  Our task for the day, apart from letting as many people as possible know about the newly formed Happy Museum Project, was to sew a Happy Museum Banner. We’d been asked by the organisers not to just bring piles of brochures and thought this would place us perfectly in a flow zone of contented shared doing (for more about ‘flow’ check out Tony Butler’s paper Stewardship, Equity, Flow).  It successfully met all these aims however when we finally unfurled the banner at the end of the event we’d missed out a key ‘u’…