Lightbox, Waste Not…, 2014-2015

Waste Not… invited local communities to give stories and photographs and objects connected with keeping old things, reuse, repairing/maintenance, new uses and forgotten uses! The project culminated in an exhibition and was supported by a programme of public events and workshops on the theme of recycling and waste. The project aimed to contribute towards change in attitudes and behaviour with respect to sustainability. Waste Not.. focused upon one of the ‘Headline Behaviours’ (according to Defra) in terms of environmental sustainability: extending the life of things to minimise waste.

The vision for Waste Not.. was for the the local community, including the Lightbox itself, to become more aware of the process of upgrading and unnecessary replacement, and to become aware of alternative methods of re-use.  Highlights included new partnerships with local organisations and and increased social media profile.  Challenges included a short lead in and opening period and a lack of partnerships with environmental groups formed.
